There is a big problem in American Society. It has always been there looming in the back round of the hustle and bustle of the "Coke and fries Country". More and more, people are having financial troubles and I can understand that, I have my own share and kind of difficulties myself. Nevertheless, I have noticed in this economy, that we are slipping in the arena of "keeping our word". I can understand a family that that can't pay its bill right now, due to layoff or downsizing. However, this problem is the simple habit of saying things you don't intend to do and it permeates all classes of the American adventure.
This concerns me very deeply; I have been dealing with a contractor in the Chicago area. This fellow is truly a genius. His ideas are awesome, his business plans are sound. I really am very tempted to invest with him, yet he is next of kin to chaos to me. I consider him to be chaos because; [he himself] has taught me that he cannot be trusted all the time. If there is one thing that I have learned in all my years of study it's that "one who is dishonest part time is untrustworthy all the time." One cannot tell when the untrustworthy fellow will come through or when he shan't. This lack of dependability and willful dishonesty makes one unusable.
This brings us to the first Big Concern; "the effect you have on others". When we don't keep our word we hurt other people. When we don't keep our word we influence others to take actions thinking they can depend upon us and we let them down. Most people have no idea how bad a thing this is for the individual in question. By not keeping our word we train others that we cannot be trusted. When nobody trusts you, your friends will be limited to close relatives (who have no choice), and thieves. Who your friends are has a lot to do with who you are becoming in the future. However, that is another Article.
Second big Concern is this; "the after effect that others reflect back to you" Once a covenant breaker trains others that he can't be trusted, then they and their friends will start to back off of doing business with you. They will even talk behind your back, and they have to do this because, they love their friends and they don't want them to fall into some kind of a rip off by doing business with a culprit. This is profound because it means that fewer or no future opportunities will come from the association with that group of people.
Third big concern is: The breakdown of a civilized society. One of my best friends lived in Africa for some time. From his reports the society there was just hanging on by a thread. I have also had other reports from other countries where the society was weak and one of the consistent elements is a lack of trust between individuals. When the bulk of nation's voters feel they can't trust anybody, then their mindset alone will put in power those that can't be trusted. People in power who can't be trusted with power will always use freedom to destroy freedom and the situation gets worse. In addition; when a people don't trust anybody the country becomes poor, because it kills Business. Therefore the individual among us who cannot be trusted is taking away from society not adding to it.
Where could you invest if there is no body you trust? A friend from the Philippines tells me that one cannot leave their house alone for more than a few hours because the neighborhood folk will come and take what goods you have. Wow, I would not want to live in that little town. My point is; the very fabric of a civilized society depends upon individuals keep their word. The importance of individual honor is more important than is generally understood. Furthermore, that same [individual Honor] is based entirely on a man or woman's relationship with eternity and even God Himself. The more distant a society gets from the presence of the Almighty, then the less security, safety, wealth, and freedom a society will enjoy. Unless society cracks the Big Black Book and goes back to church, Our American Adventure will further unwind and deteriorate.
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